The step to step to finding E-mail Addresses

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A significant part of digital marketing is finding the right email address of an individual or company. We all know email IDs don’t work like usernames on social media, they’re not verifiable until sent and don’t have profiles. When it comes to digital marketing, email IDs need to be compiled for the specific purpose of email marketing or even to send a pitch or proposal to a specific individual. Finding email IDs is difficult but not impossible and we tell you how exactly.

  1. Look thoroughly

Before trying anything else, make sure you look for the email ID of that person at all possible sources. Look up their social media profiles as the Contact section usually has the ID. Search for their website. Google their name and email address. Ask people who might know. Try to get their business card. Despite all of this, if you still fail, then proceed to the next section.

  1. Shoot a mail to the generic email ID

There are high chances that you will find a generic info/query email address on the company’s website. They’re not highly responsive but there are chances you might get a reply based on your luck and framing of the mail. When you write to them, be specific and ask for the email address of the individual you are looking for.

  1. Look up email addresses: Hunter

Hunter is an easily downloadable extension. Once you get it, visit the site which you are thinking about sending a mail to and click on the extension on the top of your screen. The tool will throw back at you all email IDs associated with that domain name. it will also include name, designation, department and everything else it can reach. This works like a charm in situations where you don’t know the name of the person you want to mail.

  1. Guess: Sales Navigator

In situations where you know the name but not the email ID, get the Sales Navigator extension. Simply type in the name and all possible variations of the email ID they could use pop up on the screen. Then enter the email ID into Gmail. If it is valid, a sidebar of their profile will come on the screen. If not, you’ll know the email address is invalid.  

With these short and simple steps, you’re one step closer to becoming a pro at email marketing!

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