To make money in network marketing you need to follow that group of few people in the industry who are exactly doing the same thing. You’ve got to stop listening to your upline and company who are telling you to make your list, set up home meetings, pass out flyers and business cards and promotional DVDs.
The 800 Pound Elephant In The Room
The 800 Pound Elephant In The RoomAs an agency, we love network marketing and it’s changed our lives. But there’s one dirty little secret that nobody wants to talk about and it’s this:
The 800 Pound Elephant In The RoomTo be successful in network marketing you have to master sales and marketing… and the vast majority of people recruited into network marketing organizations know little or nothing about sales and marketing (and they get little if any help from their sponsors or upline).
The 800 Pound Elephant In The RoomIf you are prepared to roll up your sleeves, treat your network marketing efforts like a business and implement what others who are already succeeding have proven works then you can make money and have success in this industry.
OK, So How Do I Make Money In Network Marketing?
The 800 Pound Elephant In The RoomForget what your upline is telling you and copy what’s made today’s industry leaders successful:
1) Find A Way To Make Money Off Of the 90+ Percent Of People Who Say No To Your Business Opportunity
The 800 Pound Elephant In The RoomTop earners in network marketing realize what a waste it is to simply walk away from someone who’s not ready to sign up. Since you’re only targeting existing network marketers or those interested in the business (hint, hint) you can offer free online training or paid training courses that will keep them in contact with you, turn them into buyers and allow you to make money while you build your downline and biz opportunity income.
The 800 Pound Elephant In The RoomThis is especially critical for team leaders because most people quit MLM in the first 90 days… usually because the money they were promised never materializes. Show your team a way to make income off of the “No’s” and you’ll maintain team enthusiasm and minimize attrition.
2) Embrace Attraction Marketing – Become ‘The Hunted’ Instead Of ‘The Hunter’
The 800 Pound Elephant In The RoomAttraction marketing means ditching the hard selling “in your face” pitch mentality (or “3-foot rule”). People HATE to be sold to and the odds are that 90+ percent of the people you talk to will say no. So what’s the alternative?
The 800 Pound Elephant In The RoomPeople do business with people, not companies. Attraction marketing involves helping others first before asking for anything in return. You can offer videos, free training, phone conferences, write articles, give webinars and other info that’s of value to people who are already actively looking for an opportunity or who may be considering switching companies.
The more these people get to know, like and trust you the more they’ll want to know what you do… and they’ll ask you what your business proposition is.
3) Have An Automated Way To Stay In Touch With Prospects Who Bought In (And Those Who May Not Be Ready)
In the online marketing space, the saying is “the money is in the list”. You need to be capturing names and emails of everyone you speak to so you can stay in touch with them over time. Studies have shown that most people need 7 to 10 exposures to an opportunity before they’re ready to buy… and if you don’t stay in touch with them they’ll go with your competition when they’re ready.
If you don’t have a reliable easy to use the system for tracking leads and team members you’re going to get far poorer results over time than you should.
4) Understand How To Quickly & Easily Create Online Offers For Events, Launches, Business Promos (With Zero Technical Skills)
Remember those names and emails you’re going to capture? The industry’s top earners use simple drag and drop sales page tools so they can create an offer for prospects or their team literally in minutes. Imagine being able to stop relying on your company’s generic corporate website and start making money by creating sales pages that brand you (not them).
Some DONT’s for Network Marketing
This is the exact strategy used by the network marketers every day in their network marketing business and it can be learned in just a bit. But just a recap of what your business can be with these tricks of network marketing?
Here are some strict ‘No-No’s’ that you might want to avoid while doing network marketing.
- Don’t beg people.
- Don’t chase people.
- Don’t cold call.
- Don’t stick business cards up all over town… or alienate my friends and family with awkward visits to live pitch events run by my opportunity.
- Don’t have to deal with rejection… or endless home parties or uncomfortable conversations.